The PCC approved the 2017/18 Budget and long-term financial plan (LTFP) including Capital Programme in February 2017.
The Capital Programme is kept under review on a regular basis. As a result of this a number of changes to the capital programme are requested.
These changes arise from a management review of the projects and schemes Some are requested for deferral and others cancelled as set out below:
- CoreVet £40k – scheme cancelled as no longer required
- Stockton HQ Rewire £40k – Scheme deferred until 2018/19
- Fleet Replacement £30k
- Funds released from the fleet programme as no longer needed
- IL4 Confidential Network £205k – Scheme cancelled as no longer require
Included in the 2017/18 Capital Budget was provision for Business Cases of £50k. In line with the scheme of delegation the CC CFO has agreed to use £40k of this for the following:
- £20k additional funding for Body Worn Video
- £20k for E-recruitment solution
As part of the overall review it is requested that the ESMCP’s capital budget is reduced from £100k to £50k given the national project slipping.
The released £50k budget is requested to be allocated to provide a PSD Audit Solution.
Decision-Ref-2017-44024. Budget Monitoring 2017-18 (application, 88kB)