The Police & Crime Commissioner agreed a Capital Plan for 2013/14 of £4,832K.
Approval is requested for the following schemes totalling £35.4k to be funded from the ‘Provision for Business Cases’.
- £14.6k – M8 telephony scheme
- £6.5k – increase in the M8 SAN increase and back up module scheme
- £14.3k – Video Conferencing scheme
Three schemes have been completed, which spent less than the allocated budget.
Approval is requested to transfer the underspend totalling £12.1K to the the Provision for Business Cases as follows: These are:
- £11.0k – GIS Scheme
- £0.6k – ANPR x 6 scheme
- £0.5k – Evidence Gathering Video Scheme
The PCC has received £5k in funding from the Home Office/College of Policing for purchase of Wifi survey equipment.
This will enhance the cell survey equipment to support the Communications Capability Development (CCD) programme, Radio Frequency Propagation Survey project.
The new equipment will facilitate mapping out Wifi locations across the force area to assist with police investigations. Approval is requested for this to be added to the Capital Plan as follows:
- £5.0k Wifi equipment
The PCC is asked to note the following additions (under £25k funded by transfer from revenue) approved by the Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer under delegated authority:
- £11.8k – Emergency Generator scheme
- £6.6k – Job Evaluation Scheme
This would re-state the capital budget for 2013/14 as £4,855.4k.
Decision 9 – 2014. Changes to Capital Plan 2013/14 (application, 127kB)