Executive Summary:
CLEAR Incident Anatomy (CIA) is an ACPO and Highways Agency-led initiative.
It carries out a desktop debrief on incidents lasting five hours-plus on the SRN.
This is to understand the events, which lead to matters being prolonged. It will also help to identify good practice.
As a result, CLEAR will help to improve practice by making use of existing police and partnership assets.
Desktop analysis of such events together with the application of professional experience, judgement and knowledge will lead to lessons learnt being put into practice quickly.
Those lessons can be disseminated across all partner agencies. They can also be consolidated in revisions to future CLEAR guidance as well as the Road Death Investigation Manual. (RDIM)
As a result, the RDIM will be able to incorporate actions, which have worked well. In addition, it will help to identify and get rid of actions, which have led to prolonged delays.
A consultant has been engaged to provide additional capacity to analyse the first batch of five hour-plus incidents.
The cost for this locally is estimated at £5,000. The Highways Agency will support this work. As a result, the work will be cost neutral to the force.
The PCC has agreed to increase the force budget by £5,000 to take into account the income to come from the Highways Agency.
Decision 22-2013: CLEAR Incident Anatomy (application, 485kB)