Cleveland Police currently has a physical data centre at Police HQ.
It is made up of server racks which hold all of the key applications and software required to operate the Force’s systems.
In 2018, the current Police HQ will be sold and staff and equipment will move to the new Community Safety Hub (CSH). As part of the scoping exercise for which teams and equipment will move to the CSH, it was identified that the costs to build a like for like physical data centre including equipment at the new CSH were significant and therefore alternative options were investigated.
Cloud Hosting Data Centre Services were identified as a possible solution to reduce the size of the physical data centre within the CSH. This solution enables applications to be hosted off-site in a secure data centre run by a third party supplier.
A full EU tender using open procedure was carried out and the most economically advantageous tender is being recommended to be awarded the contract.
The PCC is asked to approve the procurement methods used and award the contract to Bidder 1 for 3 years within an optional 1 year extension.
Decision 7245. Data Centre Cloud Services contract (application, 245kB)