Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs) provide a range of options to improve the safety of victims and their families.
They offer information and support, crisis intervention, safety planning and advocacy.
In addition, IDVAs offer practical and emotional support to enable victims to make positive changes, reduce risk and minimise the risk of repeat victimisation.
The number of recorded domestic abuse incidents in Cleveland has increased by over 19% in the two-year period between November 2018 and November 2020.
This highlights the critical need of having high quality support services in place. Providing funding of up to £120,000 towards IDVA provision across Cleveland will enable the continuation of an additional IDVA across each of the Local Authority areas providing added value to the existing contracts in place.
Funding break down, by IDVA provision and local authority area:
Delivery across Hartlepool and Stockton: £60,000 (Harbour Support Service)
Delivery across Middlesbrough: £30,000 (My Sister’s Place)
Delivery across Redcar and Cleveland: £30,000 (Foundation UK)
To support future commissioning priorities the OPCC along with the Tees Safeguarding Adults Board and the two Children’s Safeguarding Boards have commissioned support from SafeLives to develop the response to Domestic Abuse across the Cleveland area. This will include;
• Multi-agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) review
• A systems deep dive review
• Development of a Cleveland quality standard
• Ensure the area is Domestic Abuse Bill ready