Decision Record Form 2019-00270404 refers to project support provided to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner from Middlesbrough Voluntary Development Agency (MVDA)
This followed a unique period as a result of the resignation of a former Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC).
Since then, a new PCC has been elected with a new Police and Crime Plan developed and launched.
Decision Record Form 2019-00270404 refers to a further decision to extend this arrangement for a 3 months period to 30 November 2021.
This decision record is to further extend the arrangement from 1 December 2021 — 31 March 2022 for a final period.
As a result of the new Police and Crime Plan and the broadening of the PCC’s responsibilities, the Chief of Staff is currently reviewing the office structure. This is to ensure an office that it is fit for purpose now and in the future.
Existing vacancies in the team will be reviewed as part of this. This i to ensure any gaps in the team can be addressed through permanent opportunities.
Project Support
Project support remains the same as previously identified. There is the additional requirement to feed into the delivery of the new plan. The requirements are as follows:
- Providing contract management support to key commissioned victim services many of whom are from the Voluntary Community Sector (VCS)
- Project management of key OPCC led projects including (but not limited to) the Child Sexual Abuse Transformation Fund
- Acting as key points of contact for VCS services. This is in relation to COVID matters including monthly performance reporting to central government
- Representing the OPCC at key meetings relevant to the victims agenda. This includes partnership meetings relating to Domestic Abuse and wider community safety / criminal justice matters
- Supporting wider members of the OPCC as/when required. This is specifically in relation to funding opportunities e.g. Safer Streets Fund / Youth Endowment Fund / Allocation of Victims Services Uplifts
- Support the delivery of the new Police and Crime Plan
Decision 2022-0007845: Project Support — Victim Services (application, 134kB)