Following a Public Procurement Regulations Tender in 2017, the PCC approved the award of a five-year contract for Cleaning Services from April 2017 (DRF 2016-27253).
During the term of the contract, the estate has changed, and the contract has flexed with these changes.
In the five years of the contract, in line with the PCC’s commitment to the Living Wage, the contract was varied to ensure that all employees who work on the Cleveland contract were paid the Real Living Wage.
In addition, a Covid 19 cleaning regime was added in 2020, which added extra weekly hours to ensure safety within the forces premises was maintained. This added an extra cost to the overall contract.
The current contract for cleaning services was due to expire on 31 March 2022. However, this contract was extended until the 30 September 2022. This was to enable the procurement process to be completed and contract terms agreed.
A review of the specification has been carried out to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of the organisation and will offer value for money. This review has been carried out in conjunction with Estates.
In order to ensure that a new contract has the ability to flex with the changing estate, the specification review ensured that it included a clause to enable properties to be added or removed from the contract.
An open tender was carried out using EU Supply as the tender portal. It advertised the contract in Contract Finder and Find my Tender as per the Public Procurement Regulations 2015.
An open tender is a competitive exercise whereby a tender is advertised and all bidders who express an interest can access the tender documentation and submit a bid.
Details of the Procurement Process are included in the appended report.
Decision 2022-0012: Procurement Report for the Provision of Cleaning Services (application, 178kB)