Executive Summary
In April 2022, The Home Office notified Cleveland OPCC that it had been successful in gaining funding for a Violence Reduction Unit (VRU.
Home Office funding runs for three years.
This resulted in Cleveland Unit for the Reduction of Violence’ (CURV) being established.
It brings together all partners and stakeholders to develop and deliver an intelligence-led strategy. The strategy aims to reduce serious violence throughout Cleveland through a Public Health agenda.
In 2022, the Serious Violence Duty was introduced through the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act.
The Duty requires specified authorities to work together to plan to prevent and reduce serious violence within the local government area.
As part of this work, CURV commissioned Crest Advisory to undertake a Strategic Needs Assessment (SNA)
The SNA outlined the scale, nature, and drivers of serious violence in Cleveland.
The rates of serious violence offending are highest during the weekend, particularly in the evening and early morning. This potentially alignswith peaks in the night-time economy (NTE) and geographical zones.
In response, the Cleveland strategy is focused on reducing incidents of serious violence within and around NTE zones.
Interventions funded through the Serious Violence Duty are based on thorough consultation.
Consultation took place with key NTE stakeholders, who attended a series of workshops and forums facilitated and delivered by CURV in late 2023.
Stockton Business Improvement District
Stockton Business Improvement District (BID) is the elected representative of businesses within Stockton Town Centre. It covers both daytime and nighttime economy venues.
Stockton BID works as a partnership between local businesses and organisations to campaign for and deliver a range of projects and policies. These initiatives benefit the area.
The organisation has previously funded a number of initiatives within the NTE including the use of Scheme Link and a Pubwatch facility for licensed premises in the town centre.
Stockton BID will match fund CURV. It will also establish and maintain a volunteer-driven Street Pastors and Taxi Marshall programme. This will enhance community safety at peak NTE times.
Funding will be allocated to support marketing and outreach to recruit volunteers. It will also help to deliver comprehensive training including conflict resolution, emergency response and community engagement.
Funding will also buy two APEX radios. They will make sure that Pastors can stay in communication with NTE venues and the CCTV control room. Communication protocols will be put in place to ensure regular check ups are undertaken.
Delivery Timeline (to be completed March 2024) takes place in the following phases:
- 1- Recruitment of Street Pastors and Taxi Marshalls including advertisement and interviews.
- 2 – Procurement of APEX radios and miscellaneous safety resources.
- 3- Development of a comprehensive training programme for volunteers.
- 4- Pre-implementation phase to ensure any issues are addressed before launch.
- 5- Official launch and implementation.
Decision 2023/24 – 0024:Serious Violence Duty Funding (application, 212kB)