Arch is currently commissioned by the PCC to provide a core ISVA victim service across Cleveland to support victim/survivors of sexual violence, abuse and exploitation (Decision Record 2021-00257636.)
Throughout the current contract arrangements with Arch, a number of variations have been agreed as a result of demand (Decisions Record 2021-00263176 and Decision Record 2021-7018)
Demand on the service has continued to increase steadily over recent years with a 19% increase in referrals during 2022/23 compared to the previous year.
Contract monitoring discussions further reveals that complexity within the caseload is increasing and additional capacity is critical to continue to meet the current service levels.
The funding
As a result of these discussions, the Police and Crime Commissioner has agreed to support Arch North East to recruit an additional x1 full time ISVA for an initial 12 month period from 26 June 2023.
This will ensure victim/survivors receive the appropriate level of advocacy and to ensure that support is offered without delay.
Over the next 12 – 18 months work is commencing on an OPCC Violence Against Women and Girls needs assessment to inform future commissioning needs and priorities and the additional demands facing the Arch service will be considered as part of this process.
Decision 23/24 – 0002: Additional Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) Delivered by ARCH