The Home Office gave Cleveland notification of three years funding for a Violence Reduction Unit in April 2022.
In Cleveland, the unit is called CURV – Cleveland Unit for the Reduction of Violence.
The Funding has enabled the PCC to establish a team to develop a long-term joined-up, preventative approach to tackling serious violence.
The Commissioner’s office takes a leading role in bringing together organisations and agencies.
As detailed in Decision Reference: 2022-0018, in August 2022, the OPCC welcomed applications in support of interventions to prevent and reduce serious violence.
Applications were open to charities, community groups and public sector organisations.
On 17 October 2022, a decision-making group comprising of the PCC, Probation North- East, voluntary Sector representative, and the Serious Violence Project Lead considered all funding applications.
Chris Cave Foundation
The Chris Cave Foundation was among the projects approved. It was initially funded to 31 March 2023.
However, the Panel agreed that, depending on evidence of delivery, and case studies – which have subsequently been received – the Chris Cave Foundation would be funded for a further 12 months.
The Executive Assurance Group approved and ratified the decision at a meeting held on 5 May 2023. The meeting included partners from Cleveland Police, Probation, NHS, and the local authorities.
This decision is, therefore, to extend the funding arrangements for a further 12 months from the 1July 2023 to 30 June 2024 up to the value of £25,000.
As part of this funding allocation, the Chris Cave foundation will do the following:
- Deliver Point7 to a new cohort of students. A powerful and interactive programme, Point7 shows the consequences and the ripple effect of knife/gun crime.
- Deliver the Point7 programme in areas informed by CURV hotspot data.
- Prioritise the programme to schools located in catchment areas or wards identified with notification to CURV in advance of delivery.
- Positive impact of the delivery of the interventions for young people their families and the community will be measured
- Ensure delivery of a full theory of change for the Point7 programme.
- Attend CURV multi-agency workshops.
Decision 23/24 – 0006: CURV Serious Violence Intervention Fund (application, 186kB)