This decision record should be read in conjunction with decision record 2023/24 0003 which outlines funding awarded to the Suzy Lamplugh Trust to deliver a specialist stalking advocacy support service across the Cleveland area until 31 March 2025.
In August 2023, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) informed Police and Crime Commissioner’s that they would be providing an uplift to the 2023/24 Core Victims Funding allocation. For Cleveland this was to the value of up to £22,528.57 with the requirement for it to be spent by 31 March 2024.
During the mobilisation of the stalking support service covered in the decision notice referred to above, the Suzy Lamplugh Trust offered to match fund our funding commitment to enable the provision of 1 FTE Team Leader Stalking Advocate and 1 FTE Stalking Advocate. The match funding from the Suzy Lamplugh Trust allowed for sufficient capacity in support of partnership development to ensure alignment and support with other victim services commissioned locally and Cleveland Police – seeking to improve victim referrals into the new service.
The current processes for identifying stalking victims and assessing associated risk of harms is very under-developed across services in contact with victims of stalking. This is exacerbated by the high numbers of domestic abuse related stalking incidents and the different risk assessment tools being used. This is highlighted as a national issue within a super-complaint made by the Suzy Lamplugh Trust. The super-complaint identified that this is what currently contributes to a lack of assurance regarding appropriate identification of stalking and assessment of harms to known victims of stalking and stalking related domestic abuse.
Suzy Lamplugh Trust
Suzy Lamplugh Trust – a registered charity recognised as the UK’s leading authority on stalking work, with evidence of delivering positive impact for victims through their stalking advocacy work and expert support for Police and a range of partner agencies, have a broad range of training packages available which can be delivered to police and other front-line practitioners across a variety of organisations with a role in identifying and assessing risk and harms associated with stalking.
Following a review of local issues identified by Cleveland Police, Criminal Justice partners, victim service commissioners/providers and Suzy Lamplugh Trust regarding how the stalking advocacy service would receive referrals that could best support victims, it was agreed that identification and thorough assessment of stalking cases is a current workforce gap.
As a result, and following discussion with the Police and Crime Commissioner on 4 October 2023, it has been agreed to provide further funding to the Suzy Lamplugh Trust to deliver specialist stalking training to front-line practitioners most likely to identify stalking crimes. In addition, it would support with the understanding of how to appropriately assess risks and harms so that stalking victims can be referred into the stalking advocacy service. This would support in the tackling of stalking perpetrators, ensure victims are safe and supported and guarantee a more confident workforce in dealing with the stalking cases – and directly contributes the PCC’s priorities of tackling violence against women and girls, and providing effective, quality support for victims and witnesses.
Given the short timescales for the funding the OPCC will work with relevant partners to identify and prioritise which front-line police officers and practitioners should benefit from the training.
To conclude; this decision will add significant value and benefit to the broader work being considered in relation to how Cleveland can work to better address stalking related crime and provide victims of stalking with the most effective support for their safety and recovery.
Current grant arrangements with the Suzy Lamplugh Trust will be varied setting out a clear timeline for delivery of the training between 1 November 2023 and 31 March 2024.
Decision 23/24 – 0017: MoJ Victims Funding Core Uplift (application, 291kB)