Since October 2014, the Police and Crime Commissioner has funded a full-time, senior IDVA at My Sisters Place.
The IDVA supports the Specialist Domestic Violence Court (SDVC). Funding comes to an end in March 2016.
With a high demand for domestic abuse services across Cleveland and My Sisters Place in 2015 supporting 900 active cases, the need to maintain posts like this is extremely important.
This will ensure victims can access services which will assist them with coping and recovery. In addition, the need to support the most high risk cases is imperative in safeguarding victims.
It has therefore been agreed to further fund this post for a period of 12 months, from 1 April 2016 – 31 March 2017.
The service will be available to victims of domestic abuse across Cleveland as part of the network of IDVA’s funded or part funded by the Police and Crime Commissioner.
Decision 40. Domestic Violence Advocate funding (application, 169kB)