Operation Encompass is a multi-agency approach to give early notification to schools that a child or young person has been present, witnessed or was involved in a domestic abuse incident.
Nominated key adults in schools, initially in the Hartlepool area (Cleveland-wide within the next 12 months) will receive information from Cleveland Police.
The information will afford them the opportunity to assess the needs of the child during the school day and, should it be deemed appropriate, to provide early support.
The Police and Crime Commissioner has previously provided funding (via the Ministry of Justice Competed Fund) to Safe in Tees Valley.
Funding helped to employ an Operation Encompass Project Manager to establish the project in Hartlepool.
It was further agreed that funding would be provided during 2015/16 for this post for a further 12 months. This will enable roll out across the whole of the entire Cleveland area
In order for this project to be a success, it was necessary for a Domestic Abuse Project Officer to be employed (via Safe in Tees Valley.
This was so they could review recorded domestic abuse incidents and identify incidents, which meet the criteria of Operation Encompass.
Now that the project is being rolled out Cleveland-wide, it is necessary to employ a second Domestic Abuse worker.
One one worker will cover Redcar and Middlesbrough and the other worker will cover Stockton and Hartlepool.
Decision 59 – 2015. Employment of an additional Domestic Abuse Officer (application, 202kB)