Tees Valley Arts intends to make a short film provisionally entitled Somewhere to Turn To.
It will inform people across the Cleveland Police area about what services are available for people who have been victims of sexual violence/abuse or who are survivors of historical sexual abuse.
By raising awareness of the services available, it will ensure that those most in need of support know where to turn to if/when needed.
The film will inform people about where to turn, and what might happen next following acts of sexual violence/ abuse. It will also provide information on where to turn to when victims need to deal with historic abuse, which becomes acute.
Relevant agencies across Cleveland will take part in the production and, where appropriate, service user input will be sought.
The development and dissemination of the film across Cleveland meets the PCC’s objective around victims as it will ensure people are aware of the services available.
Decision 50. Funding for Sexual Violence Services Short Film (application, 155kB)