The original capital bid for the forensic mobile phone examination system was approved in November 2014.
The new solution is a stand-alone kiosk, which can run independently and has no impact on the force network.
However, in order to experience the full benefit, the force needs an integrated solution. This means plugging it into the network.
Following national guidance, the Information Security Officer regards this as introducing an “untrusted source” to the network.
Content on the device (CCTV files, telephone data, etc) could be corrupted. Without protection, this could give rise to a potential security risk.
To ensure compliance, additional security network equipment is required. This is to build a firewall between the device and the network so content can be cleared before acceptance. Roll-out and staff training is currently on hold, pending additional security measures.
The PCC has agreed an extra £15k for a forensic mobile phone examination system. This increases the original capital budget from £109k to £124k,
Decision 33-2015. Funding for Forensic Mobile Phone Examination System (application, 85kB)