The Cleveland Volunteer Police Cadet programme is open to young people aged 13 to 17 years inclusive, with separate Cadets Units in each Local Policing Area, who meet on a weekly basis for two and a half hours.
The programme has several key aims:
- To promote a practical understanding of policing amongst young people;
- To encourage a spirit of adventure and good citizenship.
- To support local policing priorities through volunteering.
- To inspire young people to participate positively in their communities.
In order to achieve these aims the Cleveland programme has a curriculum covering key areas of skills and development: The programme aims to build bridges within communities, working to reduce the risk of crime and encouraging progression towards responsible adulthood, by providing a range of transferable skills to young people.
Funding of £36,000 will cover staffing and admin costs, volunteer expenses and training, room hire and general equipment for the programme. An additional funding claim can be made up to the value of £2,000 during the term of the agreement to cover uniform costs. The cadets also undertake a range of fundraising activities to supplement funding received through the PCC.
Decision 2020-199042-Funding-for-Cleveland-Police-Cadets (application, 87kB)