In 2016, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner in partnership with local commissioners and the voluntary community sector were successful in securing £420,000 over a three year period from the Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) Transformation Fund
The aim being to transform sexual violence services across the Cleveland area. The main delivery partner for this funding is Safe in Tees Valley in partnership with Arch North East.
In September 2018, the Home Office announced that local areas could apply for some additional funding to complement and build on existing work already being delivered.
We were successful in our application and were awarded an additional £38,520 in October 2018. The funding application submitted can be seen attached at appendix 1 to this decision form.
As the main delivery partner for this project we propose to grant fund Safe in Tees Valley this additional sum of money to build on and support the support service delivery.
This programme supports the PCC’s objective of A Better Deal for Victims and Witnesses
Decision DRF-113778. Funding for Safe in Tees Valley (application, 139kB)