The Teesside Uganda Community (TUC) is a non-political, non-religious and non-profit organisation.
Decision 118789-DRF- Funding for Stockton Refugee Week (application, 98kB)
It aims to bring Ugandans living in the Teesside area together as a community and to provide a platform, where they can promote social, cultural and economic activities by working together and making positive contributions to local communities.
During Refugee Week, people from around the world will be celebrating ‘different pasts and a shared future’ to create a better understanding between different communities and to encourage successful integration, enabling refugees to live in safety and continue making a valuable contribution.
This year marks the 20th anniversary. It issignificant that as residents of Stockton, the TUC celebrates and provides an important opportunity for asylum seekers and refugees to be seen, listened to and valued.
The TUC is hosting a number of events aimed at providing information, which educate and raise awareness of refugee experiences and showcass the talent and expertise that refugees bring to the UK.
To help deliver these events, the TUC has requested funding from the PCC to contribute to transport and catering costs, venue hire and to support the delivery of dance, fashion, drumming and craft workshops. All activities will promote community cohesion.
Workshops provide a platform to celebrate culture, share knowledge and promote integration. It contributes to the economic and cultural diversity in the Tees Valley by helping to improve dialogue and understanding of communities.
It supports the PCC’s objective of Securing the Future of our Communities.