The Society for the Promotion and Advancement of Romany Culture (SPARC) has bid for funding to undertake community engagement sessions.
Sessions will take place between the police and gypsy/traveller communities at Metz Bridge Traveller Site and Yarm Fair.
Funding will also provide a series of educational workshops in primary schools focusing on gypsy/traveller awareness and anti-hate crime messages.
The aims of the initiative are to:
- Build on and increase engagement between the Police, OPCC and travelling communities through holding “Cuppa with a Copper” engagement sessions at the Metz Bridge gypsy and traveller site and at Yarm Fair.
- Engage with the gypsy and traveller community on crime and community safety issues and work with the PCC to develop awareness-raising packages and products
- Promote and provide awareness-raising sessions in primary schools across Cleveland. Sessions will focus on hate crime education in relation to the gypsy and traveller community and on ‘mythbusting’ education around the gypsy and traveller culture
- Promote services to the travelling communities, leading to further increases in service usage from those communities and a breaking down of barriers.
Further details can be found in the attached funding application.
Decision 57 – 2015. SPARC Funding for gypsy/traveller sessions (application, 175kB)