Taxi Marshalling schemes can be found in night-time economy areas throughout the country and are highly valued by organisations such as the Police, Town Pastors and taxi drivers,
The scheme which operates in Hartlepool between the hours of 0100 and 0500 at Station Approach in Church Street was introduced in response to high levels of crime and disorder amongst those enjoying the night time economy. It is believed to have contributed towards the significant reductions in violent crime over recent years.
Due to funding restraints within Hartlepool’s Public Health team proposals were presented to the Safer Hartlepool Partnership in November 2015 to find alternative sources of funding to enable continuation of the scheme going forward. Partners around the table were asked if they would contribute to the scheme which costs approximately £8,000 per annum.
The Police and Crime Commissioner recognises the importance of such schemes having previously supported the Town Pastors and the work they also do within the night time economy. It was therefore agreed that a contribution of £1,000 would be provided in support of the taxi marshalling service in Hartlepool.
Decision 49. Contribution towards Taxi Marshalling Service in Hartlepool (application, 179kB)