Owton Fens Community Association (OFCA) was established in 1985 by local people.
It was established to build the capacity of disadvantaged communities, groups and individuals in Hartlepool.
The association provides local, accessible resources, support, education, advice and information.
It has asked for funding to provide a pilot social action gardening project called Helping Elderly Regain Outside Space (HEROS).
The project will use 20 young volunteers who are at risk of offending and community mentors to tidy up elderly and other vulnerable people’s gardens.
This is so they can enjoy their gardens and have a better quality life. This will create opportunities for young people to increase their employability and break down barriers between age groups.
A team of three paid officers will coordinate the project. A manager will recruit young people and monitor the project, reporting back to the committee and partners.
An enterprise officer will project manage the scheme, linking with partners and clients and developing a work programme for young people.
Community mentors will record outcomes and assist young people with job search.
The Association has applied for £4,681 for gardening equipment. This includes four lawnmowers, four strimmers, two wheelbarrows and two rakes. It has also asked for funding for protective clothing includingPPE, boots, gloves, hard hats, trousers and high viz clothing and help towards the running costs of the strimmer cord and petrol.
The PCC will arrange to visit the HERO’s project in due course. The project supports the PCC’s priority of securing the future of our communities.
Decision 10105. HERO-s gardening project Funding (application, 102kB)