Following an EU Procurement Exercise in 2012, the Policy and Resources Panel approved the award of a five year contract for Mechanical Maintenance from April 2012.
During the term of the contract, the Estate has changed and the contract has flexed with these changes.
The current contract for Mechanical maintenance expires on 20th July 2017.
A review of the specification has been carried out to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of the organisation and will offer value for money. This review has been carried out in conjunction with Estates.
In order to ensure that a new contract has the ability to flex with the changing estate, (particularly with the introduction of the Learning and Development Centre in Grangetown and relocation from Police HQ to the new Community Safety Hub), the specification review ensured that it included a property ‘drop in – drop out’ clause.
The contract term advertised is a 3 year contract with an option to extend for a further 2 years.
Three organisations submitted a response by the closing date of 12 Noon on 2nd May 2017.
The ITT submission of Bidder 1 has fully met the specification required by Cleveland Police for the Mechanical Maintenance.
The evaluation team are fully confident that the procurement process achieved the best value for money and the new contract will provide an efficient, responsive and cost effective service.
Subject to approval, the new contract is due to commence on 21st July 2017.
Decision 36248. Mechanical Maintenance Contract Decision (application, 300kB)