The PCC regularly receives funding from partner organisations to spend on specific iniatives.
During 2013-14, the PCC received funding for specific areas of spending and provided some of these additional funds to the force in line with the requirements of the funding provider.
There are often instances where funding cannot always be spent in the financial year, in which it was received or intended to be spent. Funding would then be accounted for and made available the following year.
The PCC is currently holding £92,840-worth of partnership funding across six schemes, which the force began in 2013-14.
The force is committed to the work. It is, therefore, seeking the release of a further £77,290 of funding to continue the work. The money will be spent on the following:
- Community Activities Network (496.) Funding from Hartlepool Borough Council will help fund a youth sports initiative
- Metal Theft Funding (58,300) Funding from British Transport Police via Durham Police to tackle incidents of metal theft on the rail network in Cleveland
- Drugs Operation (£4,223.) Funding was received from Stockton Borough Council Drugs and Alcohol Team to be spent on ongoing drugs operations
- PCSO Cycles (£1,887.) Funding from Hartlepool Councillors towards the purchase of cycles for PCSOs.
- Stay Safe (£1,123.) Funding from VELA/Tristar to be spent on a Stay Safe event at Hardwick Community Hall
- Disaster Identification Training and Development (£11,261.) Funding from ACPO to continue training officers in the current financial year.
Decision 43 – 2014. Release of partnership funding to Cleveland Police (application, 126kB)