Executive Summary:
Seeking approval to obtain funding from local authority to pay for the costs of Policing
a ‘Dance’ event in Stockton on the 14th July 2013.
The event is based on the “Got to dance” TV programme recorded by
“Shine TV” and which is shown over 6 episodes on “SKY TV”. This event involves the dance
group ‘Diversity’ teaching 4 groups of dancers to dance live before the audience in Stockton
High Street.
These groups include 3 off duty Police officers, Refuse management, a ‘Youth’
team, Business workers and Teachers.
The Shine TV production team then encourage the estimated 5000 crowd to do some basic
dance moves with the other groups.
The whole event will be recorded and go out pre recorded on SKY TV.
Stockton Borough Council are the Event organisers for “Shine TV”
Their Events team brought the event plan to the police and agreed the level of Policing
that was required. Which is 1 Inspector 1 Sergeant and 7 Constables
Shine TV are paying the costs of ourselves and SBC Events team.
Due to the receipt of the funding there will be no impact on day to day resources in Stockton.
Decision 36-2013: Funding for Policing of Dance Event in Stockton (application, 500kB)