The PCC Community Safety Initiatives fund has approved £447 funding for the Redcar and Cleveland Unit of the Cleveland Police Cadets.
The cash will help buy 60 padlock alarms. This will support a crime prevention/reduction initiative for allotments in Redcar and Cleveland.
The initiative is a joint Operation between the Integrated Neighbourhood Teams (INTS) and the Redcar and Cleveland Police Cadets.
Operation Scarecrow aims to prevent and reduce crime around allotments in the Local Policing Area.
Cadets will be split into three teams during the operation. This will represent the three INT areas. Work will take place in three phases carried out over three consecutive weeks.
As part of Phase one, cadets will go out with INT staff and deliver crime prevention leaflets to allotment holders. They will also advertise Phase two.
Phase two is a property marking morning where INTs and cadets will go to the allotments to mark property.
Phase three will involve INTs going out on Saturday evening and doing a security check of the allotments, highlighting any gaps.
This information, together with crime data relating to the allotments and intelligence gathered over the first two phases, will be used in a problem-solving exercise for the cadets.
The cadets will decide and make a bid for a number of the padlock alarms. Teams will get alarms depending on their presentations. Cadets will go out in the afternoon and distribute the alarms to allotment holders.