The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC)and Chief Constable have considered appropriate arrangements for items of historical and community interest.
The items have, until now, been stored and displayed at Police Headquarters, in Ladgate Lane.
They are important historical records and artefacts from Cleveland’s policing history. They are the responsibility of the PCC, as the successor to the former Police Authority, Police Committee and Watch Committees.
To preserve the items for the benefit of the public, as well as for police officers, staff and volunteers, the PCC has agreed:
- That the items are deposited on terms to be agreed for a period of 100 years, with the Teesside Archive of Exchange House, Exchange Square, Middlesbrough, TS1 1DB
- That the items are given to the Joint Branch Board of the Cleveland Police Federation for safekeeping and held by them to the order of the Police & Crime Commissioner
This decision retains the ownership of the items by the PCC as local policing body but ensures that they are preserved for posterity for the benefit of the public and police personnel in an appropriate manner.
The PCC plans to promote this decision via the media so the public are made aware of the items, their significance and how they may access to them in future
Decision DRF-2018-91999. Safekeeping of Historical Police Items (application, 458kB)