The PCC has agreed funding for north east, anti-racism charity Show Racism the Red Card.
The charity will receive £20,000 to deliver anti-racism workshops in schools and youth-focused settings in Cleveland from September 2021 to August 2022.
Anti-racism awareness is delivered through a sports-based model using current and ex professional footballers.
Workshops focus on delivering:
- A better understanding of racism and its impacts;
- An increased awareness of the responsibility to challenge racism and how this can be done;
- A better understanding of appropriate/inappropriate terminology around race;
- An increased awareness of critical thinking and its use in challenging stereotypes and recognising media bias.
Reported hate crime across Cleveland has increased in the past year with a significant proportion of perpetrators being young people.
Funding will allow delivery of 30 anti-racism sessions in schools and youth-focused establishments i.e. youth clubs.
In addition, there will be two football club events involving Middlesbrough FC and Hartlepool FC and local schools.
Sessions take place in:
- Schools where hate crime has been reported;
- Areas where hate crime hotspots have been noted through crime analysis;
- Areas where refugees and asylum seekers are being placed for the first time.
DRF 2021-0007472. Show Racism the Red Card Funding (application, 118kB)