The Friends of Hartlepool’s Wild Green Spaces (FWGS) aim to protect, conserve and enhance Hartlepool’s Parks, Local Nature Reserves and other Green Spaces.
FWGS would like to improve the CCTV capability at Summerhill Country Park.
The current facility does not have a high enough resolution or coverage to identify perpetrators.
Summerhill has suffered a number of acts of violence, vandalism and arson over the last few years. The roundhouse in front of the visitor centre has been destroyed and re-built by volunteers and staff a number of times. The roundhouse is used for Heritage Skills and Forest Schools activities with the local children.
The FWGS have also received £2,000 funding from Hartlepool Borough Council.
This decision to fund FWHS supports the PCC’s priorities of working together to make Cleveland safer and securing the future of our communities.
Decision 7598. Summerhill Country Park Funding (application, 74kB)