The Police and Crime Commissioner’s Funding Approvals meeting on 23 October 2017.
It considered four applications, which were not supported. They were
- An application from a local football club to re-surface a football pitch. This was declined as the cost was considered to be expensive
- Funding to create a ‘text back’ service to provide support for females in the Cleveland area. This request was declined due to similar resources and Cleveland having a free, independent and confidential service in place which provides care, advice and support for victims of crime.
- An application to fund support and guidance for members of the LGBT community who have experienced hate crime. This application was declined as the Victim Care and Advice Service refers LGBT victims onto specialised LGBT support services.
- Funding for a project to deliver an in-reach service at Low Newton Prison (Durham), working with women to improve support services. Post-release exit plans will be developed in conjunction with the women and one-to-one support will help to facilitate a smooth transaction back into the community and reduce re-offending. This request was declined as a similar project has recently been commissioned to address the resettlement needs of women in Low Newton.
Decision 63775. unsuccessful funding applications (application, 93kB)