Following a review of the current supply and support contract, it was identified that savings could be made with an opportunity to upgrade Wide Area Network (WAN) circuits.
The current solution is based on point to point, hub and spoke architecture. The force needs to move this to a hybrid solution by making use of point to point and MPLS Technology.
The main objectives of the tender is to ensure:
- The force has an effective and efficient Network Infrastructure in line with its ICT Strategy and future needs;
- A reduction current annual support costs; carrying out a WAN upgrade at the same time will result in not having to fund a separate WAN Upgrade Project in 2016/17.
The route to market chosen is the recently awarded Crown Commercial Services Network Services Agreement RM1045.
The investigation and evaluation of all procurement routes has been conducted in a fair, comprehensive, thorough and transparent way.
Decision 91. Contract for Wide Area Network (WAN) Support & Rationalisation (application, 488kB)