The Police and Crime commissioner and Chief Constable are required under the Accounts and Audit Regulations to produce an annual Statement of Accounts.
Cleveland PCC & GRP Audit Certification (application, 83kB)
Cleveland PCC & GRP Letter accompanying Audit Certification (application, 132kB)
PCC Audit completion notice (application, 115kB)
Notice of Electors' rights in relation to the statement of accounts 2022-23 (application, 306kB)
Accounts 2022/23
Cleveland Police, PCC – Signed Accounts 2022-23 (application, 963kB)
Cleveland Police, CC – Signed Accounts 2022-23 (application, 2MB)
PCC Delay to Audit Certificate 2022-23 (application, 112kB)
PCC Annual Governance Statement 2022/23 (unsigned) (application, 354kB)
2022/23 Statement of accounts – Group PCC (application, 1MB)
2022/23 Statement of accounts – Cleveland Police (application, 756kB)