Complaints Performance
PCCs must publish information on the numbers of complaints against Cleveland Police and how they assure they are handled appropriately.
Complaints Performance Data
Oversight of complaints data enables the PCC to hold the Chief Constable to account for effective and efficient complaints handling.
Oversight of IOPC and HMICFRS Recommendations
The IOPC and HMICFRS produce a range of publications that share learning from their inspections and investigations.
Identifying themes and trends in complaints
The OPCC will identify themes and trends from complaints received by the PCC's Resolution team, which will be fed into Cleveland Police.
Complaints against the Chief Constable
The PCC is the appropriate authority to handle a complaint only when it concerns the Chief Constable’s own person actions.
Review of police complaints
A complainant can ask for a review if they do not think that the outcome of their complaint is reasonable and proportionate.
Complaint handling
Information about how the PCC is measuring performance around complaints handling and quality assuring they are handled in a timely manner.
Monitoring and improving performance
The PCC monitors how efficiently and effectively Cleveland Police handles complaints and implements any learning.