Cleveland Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) adopted complaint Model 3 on 31 January 2022. You can find out more about the process below:
Your complaints journeyThe OPCC has adopted quality assurance mechanisms to ensure that review decisions are sound. In addition, mechanisms ensure decisions are in line with the requirements of complaints legislation and IOPC statutory guidance.
A Performance Framework has been developed. Cleveland Police’s Directorate of Standards and Ethics (DSE) and the OPCC will discuss the framework. The Joint Strategic Board will give it higher level oversight.
How the PCC assesses complainant satisfaction with the way in which they have dealt with complaints.
As part of the process, the OPCC will contact complainants who have had their complaint resolved by the Resolution Team. The team will ask complainants for feedback on issues such as ease of contact, how their complaint was handled, if they felt listened to etc. Further information will be provided in due course.
The timeliness of initial complaint handling undertaken by the PCC.
When the new complaints model was proposed, the OPCC and DSE agreed defined roles and responsibilities for each organisations. They did this through a Service Level Agreement. Service is delivered on behalf of the PCC and Chief Constable respectively.
It sets out timescales that both organisations will work to and those timescales have been built into the Performance Framework which will be refined over time to ensure it captures all the necessary performance measures.
Details of quality assurance mechanisms for decisions made at the initial complaint handling stage and [Model 3 only] the quality of communications with complainants.
In addition to the details set out in the Performance Framework, Dip Sampling of cases will take place. This wiill be done by the team and by members of the DSE.
When the resolution team is firmly estabished, the team will take part in the Customer Service Excellence Scheme.
The scheme will provide a benchmark for the quality of service that the team is providing and receive an assessment of the team’s alignment to the Customer Service Excellence Standard.