Showing 14 News articles filtered by Safer Streets
Community is key to making Hartlepool stronger
A total of £335,408 is being invested in Hartlepool’s Victoria Ward as part of the Home Office’s Safer Streets 5 programme.
Category Antisocial behaviour, partnerships, Projects, Safer Streets
Community Safety campaign helps to clean up Middlesbrough
Safer Streets 5 programme shows success in areas of central Middlesbrough
Category Antisocial behaviour, News, Projects, Safer Streets
Security measures making Hartlepool streets safer
A total of £335,408 is being invested in Hartlepool’s Victoria Ward as part of the Home Office’s Safer Streets 5 programme
Category Antisocial behaviour, Cleveland Police, Safer Streets
“Free gift” proves popular with residents in and around Stockton town centre
Partners deliver home security measures to residents in parts of Stockton as part of Safer Streets 5
Category News, partnerships, Projects, Safer Streets, Uncategorized
Problem footpaths closed to combat anti-social behaviour
Nuisance footpaths below flying bedrooms closed with help from partners and Home Office's Safer Streets 4 Fund
Category News, partnerships, Safer Streets