An overtime budget of £88k is allocated to the policing of football matches.
This budget covers home games for both Middlesbrough Football Club (MFC) and Hartlepool United
Decision DRF-139168.-Overtime-for-Policing-Football-Matches. (application, 96kB)
Football Club along (HUFC) with the cost of overtime for the provision of spotters at away games.
At the start of the financial year, it was identified that £88k would not be sufficient to meet the cost of
these resources based on the schedule and categories of matches.
It was, however, identified that the income generated from these games would exceed the income budget
of £117,500.
After taking into account all games up to 31st March 2019, this over achievement stands at £22,950.
The anticipated spend on football overtime at year end is £140k – £52k over the budget of £88k.