By law, Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) must publish certain documents and information.
The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011 and the Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) (Amendment) Order 2012 tells PCCs what they have to publish.
Under section 2 of the Order, PCCs and their teams must publish details of any gifts or hospitality, which they have been offered. They must also reveal whether they have accepted or refused the offers.
The PCC or their staff will from time to time receive gifts or hospitality as part of their role. These will be published on this site whether they have been accepted or not.
The PCC’s Code of Conduct outlines the following regarding the Register of Gifts and Hospitality:
“I agree: To act solely in the public interest and in exercising the functions of my office not act to gain financial or other benefits for myself, my family, my friends, or any person in relation to any business of mine or use or attempt to use my office to confer or secure for any person, including myself, an advantage or a disadvantage.”
OPCC Register of Gifts and Hospitality 2021-22
OPCC Register of Gifts and Hospitality 2021-22 (application, 12kB)