Under guidance from the Home Office, CURV is expected to deliver the following results:
- Reduction in hospital admissions as a result of assault with a sharp object;
- Reduction in police recorded knife crime;
- Reduction in non-domestic homicides.
CURV will deliver against these aims using through the following activity:
Leadership and strategy
CURV will provide strategic leadership and co-ordination of all partners with statutory responsibilities under the Serious Violence Duty.
Following a Strategic Needs Assessment to understand the nature of violent crime in Cleveland, CURV has co-produced a multiagency strategy to which all partners can work towards shared goals.
System Change
Working closely with other statutory partners, CURV will explore innovative solutions to prevent and divert people at risk of becoming involved in violent crime.
CURV will support partners to identify long-term, sustainable interventions and projects to deliver long-term, positive outcomes.
Analysis and data-sharing
CURV commissioned a detailed Strategic Needs Assessment to understand the scale, nature and drivers of violent crime in Cleveland. This will form an evidence-base for future strategy, policy and delivery activity.
Learn more about violence in ClevelandCURV will play an important role in ensuring that effective data-sharing between organisations takes places, helping all partners to understand the areas and people at risk of violent crime.
How will CURV achieve its objectives?
CURV will deliver its objectives by:
- Strengthening partnerships;
- Working with communities – including the young people within them;
- Ensuring specified authorities, partners and key stakeholders work together to deliver against objectives;
- Working together to make Cleveland a safer place – and agreeing ways of working to make this happen;
- Never being afraid to try new ideas.