The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is responsible for making sure the Chief Constable delivers an efficient and effective police service.
The PCC’s accountability and scrutiny programme seeks assurances about Cleveland Police’s performance.
It is the PCC’s duty in law to hold the Chief Constable to account.
The PCC’s responsibilities for policing include:
- Holding the Chief Constable to account for delivering an effective and efficient police service
- Appointing the Chief Constable for Cleveland
- Setting the police budget and deciding how much the public pay towards policing
- Setting policing strategy via the Police and Crime Plan
The PCC sets the Chief Constable’s terms of employment. This includes his salary and annual leave entitlement in line with Home Office national guidelines set out in the Police Regulations 2003.
The PCC looks at how the force has delivered against the objectives set out in the Police and Crime Plan.
The Commissioner’s Scrutiny and Delivery programme. Police Performance