Showing 18 News articles filtered by Serious Violence
A real ‘Gamechanger’ in the fight against serious and violent crime in Cleveland
Violence reduction partnership CURV funds innovative Gamechanger education programme in clear, hold, build area of Stockton-on-Tees.
Category Cleveland Unit for the Reduction of Violence, CURV, Serious Violence, Violence Reduction Unit
Haircuts and hard life lessons – courtesy of new PCC-funded project
Wharton Trust receives CURV funding for innovative hairdressing project to get teens talking and help turn their lives around
Category Cleveland Unit for the Reduction of Violence, CURV, Funding, News, re-offending, Serious Violence, Violence Reduction Unit
Love, kindness and compassion are key to delivering services to troubled teens.
Joe and Carlus from CURV-funded Get Connected talk to Cleveland PCC Steve Turner., The podcast is part of the Coffee with the Commissioner series
Category Cleveland Unit for the Reduction of Violence, CURV, Newsletters, Serious Violence, Violence Reduction Unit
A&E navigators set to tackle Cleveland’s tide of violence
The scheme follows the successful introduction of custody navigators at Middlesbrough Police station six months ago
Category Cleveland Unit for the Reduction of Violence, commissioned services, CURV, Serious Violence, Violence Reduction Unit
Spotlight on safety in Cleveland’s pubs, clubs and night time economy
CURV hosts series of four workshops for night time economy staff, managers and owners
Category News, partnerships, Serious Violence, Violence Reduction Unit
Pioneering partnership aims to save lives from knives
Pioneering partnership installs emergency bleed kit cabinets in key locations around Redcar
Category Cleveland Unit for the Reduction of Violence, CURV, News, Serious Violence, Violence Reduction Unit